MSIsafesoft configuration software
Leuze electronic
MSI 100/200
Opening the software help system
There are various ways to open the help system:
a) In the "?" menu, select "Help topics".
The table of contents for the help system appears.
Search for a help topic as described below.
b) In an active dialog box or window, press <F1>.
The context-sensitive help for the active dialog box or window appears.
c) In the connection editor, select an object and press <F1> in order to view information
relating to that object.
For safe functions and function blocks, general information about the objects can be
accessed in this way.
d) Use the "Help" context menu item of an applicable module or function to open the rel-
evant module information.
The diagram below illustrates the various options for opening the help system and searching
for information via context-sensitive help or via the contents or index.
Figure 9-1
Opening the help system in the MSIsafesoft configuration software
You will find a description of the comprehensive functions of MSIsafesoft in the help system
for the software.
Start page for
the help system
Help page for the object
Help page for the
dialog box or area