A transmitted light condenser is available if high-quality
visualization of unstained tissue or cells is required.
However, there is enough unfocussed light available in
transmitted light mode to enable simple localization of
specimens without a condenser. The Imaging Specialist
will demonstrate the user of the condenser if requested.
The condenser has a short working distance (1.0
mm) and very few options. Condenser centering is via
two screws, as in the Zeiss system. The condenser focus
knob is to the left side. The condenser cannot normally
be brought into focus, but as long as it is properly
centered it will function satisfactorily for the acquisition
of transmitted light images. The Dodt contrast system does not use the condenser.
If you have brought the condenser near to focus (for example, if trying to visualize unstained
cells), please remember to lower it before using the large X-Y stage, otherwise damage to the condenser
may result. For the same reason, install the condenser
the large X-Y stage has been initialized.
The condenser must be removed after use.