Alternate Acquisition Modes – Mark and Find
Mark and Find enables you to store multiple locations on your
specimen so that you can return to them individually. It
functions much as the way you store locations in the X-Y plane
using Screen 4 of the Microscope Controller. However, it has the
advantage that the stored locations can be employed in a
sequential acquisition.
Setting Up a mark and Find List
The window shows an X-Y map, as in Tile Scan. Remember that
the X-axis is vertical, as in the Display. Move the stage using the
Microscope Controller X-Y controls, observing either via the
eyepieces or in Live mode.
At each position, find the appropriate focus. Click on
Select Position to store the position. The Position Number
window will increment. You may delete the current position
using Delete Current Position, or delete all currently-defined
positions using the trash can. You may also re-define the current
A family of positions can be named and saved using the
floppy-disc icon (second from left). The left-most icon enables
you to recall a saved list of positions.
Use the pull-down list of position numbers to select a
new position. The stage will move to that position and the focus
position will be adjusted accordingly
Combining Tiling with Sequences
When defining a sequence involving changing X-Y position,
remember to select the appropriate position number when
defining the sequence event.
Combining Tiling with Stacks
A stack acquisition may be defined in a sequence acquisition. The stack may be different for each
position in a sequence. If the stack is to be the same, check the Same Stack for All box at the bottom of
this window.