Isometric view, vertical
: The perspective is chosen in a way that you are always viewing the top,
left, rear side of the scanner.
Camera mount
Fixed camera mount
: The view is fixed to the wireframe of the scanner; the scanner is
displayed statically in the middle of the 3D viewer.
Follow scanner movement
: The view follows the scanner’s movement slightly delayed. The
visualization looks smoother and the wireframe of the scanner moves approximately in the
middle of the 3D viewer.
Define initial camera distance
: As soon as you activate the measurement mode and the
wireframe of the scanner is displayed, the distance from the camera to the wireframe can be
defined. For this, select the checkbox and enter a value
. During the measurement, you can
adjust the camera distance using the mouse (mouse wheel or middle mouse button) as usual.
If you would like to always keep the entered distance, check
Always keep this distance
. The
camera distance then is continuously updated so that changes caused by the mouse (mouse
wheel or middle mouse button) will be rejected immediately.
While you keep the trigger button of the scanner pressed, the camera distance will be cut in
half so that more details of the area to be scanned can be seen. When the trigger button is
released, the previous camera distance will be restored to give you a better overview.
17.5 Coordinate Axes
The settings for the coordinate axes are described in chapter 5.3.
17.6 Accuracy Check
To adjust the settings for the accuracy check, choose
Accuracy check…
. The dialog
box that appears is described in chapter 8.3. Please refer to that chapter for detailed
information on the individual parameters.
17.7 Measuring Mode
To change the measurement mode, select
Measuring Mode
. A dialog box which
corresponds to the Measurement toolbox appears. Please see chapter 7.1 for further