User Manual LW120
Selecting an
Operating Mode
The Model LW120 offers four operating modes: Continuous,
Triggered, Gated and Burst. The selected waveform is repeated
continuously when the instrument is set to operate in Continuous
mode. In this mode, the LW120 does not require a trigger source to
stimulate output cycles. The operating mode defaults to continuos
after reset.
Triggered, Gated, and Burst modes require an external signal to
initiate output cycles. In some case, an internal trigger generator is
available to generate the required trigger stimuli without the need to
connect to external devices.
Information on how to operate the generator in trigger, gate or
output a burst of waveforms is given in the following paragraphs.
Triggered Mode
In Triggered mode, the output remains at a zero DC level as long
as the trigger signal to the rear-panel remains inactive. The trigger
input is sensitive to either a rising edge or a falling edge. Each time
a transition occurs at the trigger input, the LW120 generates one
complete output waveform. At the end of the output cycle, the
output resumes position at a DC level that is equal to the amplitude
of the last point of the waveform. There are four parameters you
can adjust for this mode:
1. Slope – Defines edge sensitivity for the trigger input
2. Source – Defines the trigger source. External enables the
trigger input. Internal disables the trigger input and enables an
internal free-running trigger generator that automatically triggers
the output at programmable intervals
3. Timer – Set the intervals for the internal trigger generator, and
4. Start Phase – Defines the start phase for the trigger signal. The
start phase parameter may serve as a trigger delay generator,
where the delay is set in number of waveform points.
You may use the trigger mode to trigger standard, arbitrary and
sequenced waveforms. Observe the limitations of the trigger signal
as listed in the specification section of this manual.
Gated Mode
When set to gated mode, the LW120 output remains at a DC level
as long as the rear-panel TRIG IN signal remains inactive. The
gating signal can be programmed to be either active high or active
low. The Model LW120 generates output waveforms as long as the
proper level is present at the trigger input connector. When the gate
signal is de-asserted, the output completes the last cycle and
resumes position at a DC level equal to the last point of the
waveform. There is only one parameter you can adjust for the gated
1. Slope – Defines if the generator is gating when the trigger
signal is TTL high (POS) or when the trigger signal is TTL low
Using The Instrument 3-13