XPort Pro User Guide
Configurable Pin Manager
The Configurable Pin Manager is responsible for assignment and control of the configurable pins
(CPs) available on the XPort Pro. There are three configurable pins on the XPort Pro.
You can configure the CPs by making them part of a group. A CP Group may consist of one or
more CPs. This increases flexibility when incorporating the XPort Pro into another system.
This chapter contains the following sections:
Each CP is associated with an external hardware pin. CPs can be configured and used as digital
inputs or outputs.
When used as input, device functionality can be triggered based on the state of a CP. For
example, an email can be sent when a CP is asserted to a preconfigured level. When used as an
output, logic levels of the CP can be manipulated when a preconfigured event occurs on the
device server, such as when a tunnel connection is accepted.
CPs are configured and manipulated within a group. Each group is named and is referenced in the
feature that is triggering a CP or being triggered by a CP. Sophisticated use of CPs can be
accommodated by adding more than one CP into a group.
Default Groups
XPort Pro has several predefined CP groups used to assign a CP to a needed function. For
instance, when working with an RS485 driver that requires a signal to be asserted when in half–
duplex mode, the CP that is driving that signal (chosen by the engineer designing the circuit) is
added to the default group named Line1_RS485_HDpx. The XPort Pro asserts the CP at the
correct time via the default group.
Custom Groups
The email, tunneling, and CLI features can interact with CPs. This is accomplished by creating a
custom group and adding CPs of your choice into that group. Once a CP group is created and
populated with one or more CPs, actions can be triggered when the CPs match a specified value.
CPs can be placed in any bit position within a group, allowing for sophisticated use of the available
CPM: CP (Configurable Pins)
Each CP is associated with an external hardware pin. CPs can trigger an outside event, like
sending an email message or starting Command Mode on a serial Line.
The CPM web page is used to experimentally configure the state of the CPs. CPs can be changed
to be a digital input or a digital output, and whether it is asserted high or low. Changes made on
this page do not persist through a reboot.