6: Line and Tunnel Settings
XPort Pro User Guide
Line Configuration
This page shows the configuration settings for the serial line selected at the top of the page and
lets you change the settings for that serial line.
To configure Line 1:
1. Click
Line 1
at the top of the page. The Line 1 Configuration page appears.
Table 6-2
Line 1 Configuration
2. Enter or modify the following settings:
Table 6-3
Line 1 Configuration
Line - Configuration
If the Terminal Login Menu feature is being used, enter the name for the
line. Leaving this field blank will disable this line from appearing in the
Terminal Login Menu. The default Name is blank. See
for related configuration information.
Select the interface type from the drop-down menu. The default is RS232.
Indicates whether the current line is enabled. To change the status, select
Enabled or Disabled from the drop-down menu.
Select the protocol from the drop-down menu. The default is Tunnel.
Baud Rate
Select the baud rate from the drop-down menu. The default is 9600.