Langer & Laumann Ingenieurbüro GmbH 48356 Nordwalde Wallgraben 30
+49 (02573) 9 55 99 0
+49 (02573) 9 55 99 5 Email: [email protected]
Langer & Laumann
I n g e n i e u r b ü r o G m b H
Dipl.- Ing. Michael Laumann
Dipl.- Ing. Matthias Langer
/ Managing Director
Sparkasse Steinfurt
/ Bank Account
BLZ: 40351220 Kto: 7024631
De52 4035 1060 0007 0246 31
BLZ: 40061238 Kto: 8623333000
De66 4006 1238 8623 3330 00
Volksbank Greven EG
Amtsgericht Steinfurt HRB 2943
Steuer-Nr. 311 5870 1056
/ Comercial Register
/ Vat-No.
9.1 Obstruction detection in Closed direction
If the door is obstructed in the Closed direction and obstruction detection is activated (see also Table 4: b
parameters / page 20), the door remains stopped as long as the "Close door" signal is present. At the same
time the relay switches for "Door Obstructed". If no other control is initiated and the "Close door" signal is still
present, the door continues to move in the Closed direction after 5 [seconds].
If other control is initiated (the "Open door" signal is present), the door opens under control. The relay for
"Door Obstructed" is turned off as soon as the Open position is reached. The position at which the door was
Obstructed is saved in the TSG for the next movement. If the "Door closed" signal is issued again, the door
moves up to about 5 [cm] in front of the obstruction at normal speed and then continues moving at slow
speed (adjustable parameter h6). If the obstruction is eliminated, the door continues moving at normal speed
to about 5 [cm] after the obstruction. The function of speed change at the Obstructed position can be turned
off and on with parameter bE.
If parameter b4 = on, the door is automatically reversed when it is obstructed. After it reaches the Open
position, the door closes again.
If parameter b3 = on, the obstructed relay is only activated by a pulse. The length of the pulse can be set
with parameter bA.
The threshold for the amount of obstruction detection (maximum 150 [N]) in closing direction can be set with
the parameter P8 or b2 and should be checked by competent person at the time of test once the door
operator is installed.
9.2 Obstruction detection in Open direction
If the door is Obstructed in the Open direction and Obstruction detection is activated (see also Table 4: b
parameters / page 20), the door remains stopped as long as the "Open door" signal is present. At the same
time the relay switches for "Door Obstructed". If no other control is initiated and the "Open door" signal is still
present, the door continues to move in the Open direction after 5 [seconds]. If other control is initiated (the
"Close door" signal is present), the door closes under control. The relay for "Door Obstructed“ is turned off as
soon as the Closed position is reached. If an "Open door“ signal is issued, the door continues moving at
normal speed.
By default, the 150 [N] detection is suppressed in the first 30% of the open distance. To include detection for
the entire closing distance, parameter b6 must be changed.
If parameter b9 = on, the door is automatically reversed when it is obstructed. After it reaches the closed
position, the door opens again.
If parameter b8 = on, the Obstructed relay is only activated by a pulse. The length of the pulse can be set
with parameter bA.
The limit value for the amount of the 150 [N] detection in open direction can be set with parameter b7.
In addition, obstruction detection can be turned off with parameter b5 = oF. It is also possible to activate
obstruction detection for the entire open direction (b6 = on).