Langer & Laumann Ingenieurbüro GmbH 48356 Nordwalde Wallgraben 30
+49 (02573) 9 55 99 0
+49 (02573) 9 55 99 5 Email: [email protected]
Langer & Laumann
I n g e n i e u r b ü r o G m b H
Dipl.- Ing. Michael Laumann
Dipl.- Ing. Matthias Langer
/ Managing Director
Sparkasse Steinfurt
/ Bank Account
BLZ: 40351220 Kto: 7024631
De52 4035 1060 0007 0246 31
BLZ: 40061238 Kto: 8623333000
De66 4006 1238 8623 3330 00
Volksbank Greven EG
Amtsgericht Steinfurt HRB 2943
Steuer-Nr. 311 5870 1056
/ Comercial Register
/ Vat-No.
4 Mechanical installation
4.1 Requirements for installation
The door must have permanently mounted mechanical end stops for the Open and Closed positions
that can withstand the energy applied by the TSG door control device.
The end stops must be located on the car in the immediate vicinity of the TSG toothed belt so that
the door width is equally wide at all stopping points.
If a shaft door closing weight is present, it must not skip.
The car and shaft doors must be easy moving.
There must be no additional springs (tension or compression springs) installed in the travel path of
the door. Springs and/or dampers that were required for previous door drives must be removed
when installing the TSG door control device.
4.2 Installation process
1. Mount the TSG drive. It does not matter whether the TSG drive is mounted on the opening or closing
side of the door, since the correct travel direction is determined during the initial measurement.
2. Mount the TSG counter roller and clamping station.
3. Set the TSG toothed belt in place and connect it with the TSG toothed belt lock.
4. Tighten the TSG toothed belt (see also Chapter 4.3 TSG toothed belts / page 11).
5. Mount the TSG door panel carrier on the fastest door panel and the TSG toothed belt lock.
6. If there are no permanently mounted stops, fasten buffer stops onto the TSG combination brackets.
Screw the C rail onto the TSG door panel carrier at the appropriate height as the corresponding
7. Securely position the TSG door control device with housing close to the TSG drive. Make certain the
motor and encoder cable can be connected to the TSG electronics with sufficient clearance.
Permanently attach the 9-pin sub-D plug to the socket on the TSG electronics with screws.
Only TSG toothed belt locks may be used as the toothed belt (door fastening). Improper
fastening may cause a notch effect to be exerted on the TSG toothed belt, which will result in
premature cracks in the TSG toothed belt.