Operating Manual
General Operating Instructions
OMBG3000 – Iss.01
© Copyright 2016
Screen 21 - Administrator Passcode Required prompt
For the user to edit the setting, they must enter the correct passcode followed
by the
key. Once the passcode has been entered once, it will not need
entering again whilst remaining in the menus.
Once the user has returned to the ‘Gas Readings Screen’, any further changes
to the passcode-protected settings will require the administrator passcode to
be entered again.
Daily Air Purge
This screen allows the operator to define the settings for the daily air purge.
The daily air purge is only available on the continuous BG3KE variants to
prolong the life of the O
sensor. All other variants receive an air purge after
each sample point is monitored.
From the ‘Settings’ menu press key ‘7’ to select the ‘Daily Air Purge’
Note: For a BG3KE without an external sensor, the daily air purge will be
option ‘1’ in the ‘Settings’ menu.