Maintenance and Service
NXT Go Owner’s Manual, LBL-00145, MAN2030
Caring for the Urocap NXT
Ensure the Urocap NXT cover is not displaced or stretched after completing the cleaning or
disinfection process.
If the cover of the Urocap NXT becomes displaced, gently apply pressure around
its circumference to ease the cover back into place.
If the device’s rubber feet are lost or damaged, contact LABORIE Service for a
If the device’s vent plug is lost or damaged, contact LABORIE Service for a
replacement. Avoid moisture or fluids near this area until a replacement vent plug
is received.
Caring for the UPP Puller NXT
Inspect the UPP Puller NXT to ensure there are no signs of visible deterioration of the device
prior to using it for a Urodynamics Study.
If the device’s Catheter Guide or Catheter Clamp are lost or damaged, contact
LABORIE Service for a replacement.
If the UPP Puller Arm Clip is lost or damaged, contact LABORIE Service for a
Status DRAFT Effective