5 Installation at Site
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A gate valve must be fitted so that the inlet line can be shut off temporarily during
repair work or servicing. For lifting units directly connected to the toilet, the inlet
side gate valve is not required.
Piping weights have been supported at the site.
All inlet nozzles of the collecting tank are closed.
1. Determine which connection nozzles will be used.
2. Open the nozzles required by sawing off the nozzle faces (
A) (approx. 10 mm).
Fig. 11:
Opening the nozzles
On mini-Compacta UZS150 the inlet nozzle arranged at 180 mm cannot be used.
Sewage lifting units to EN 12050-1 must be vented through the roof.
The vent line must not be connected to the inlet-side vent line of a grease separator.
Connect the DN 50 or DN 70 vent line to the vertical vent nozzle by means of the
flexible hose connection, making sure that the connection is smell-proof.
If changes of direction are unavoidable, the pipe should be laid with a minimum
gradient of 1:50.
Drainage nozzle for hand diaphragm pump
To fully drain the collecting tank during maintenance work, connecting a hand
diaphragm pump (available as accessory) is recommended.
After opening the nozzle (DN 40), connect the hand diaphragm pump with flexible
hose connections.
5.5 Cellar drainage
Discharge line for cellar drainage connected to the discharge line of the sewage
lifting unit
Flooding of installation site!
Never connect the discharge line for cellar drainage to the discharge line of the
sewage lifting unit.
Separately run the discharge line for cellar drainage above the flood level and
into the sewer.
Fit a swing check valve in the discharge line.
Automatic drainage
For automatic drainage of the installation site (e.g. for seepage water or flooding)
we recommend installing a submersible waste water pump. Observe the following
Minimum pit dimensions 500 × 500 × 500 mm
Select the head H [m] of the pump to match the local requirements.