MPT 700
5.4.1 Parameter 5: test mA control input/phase
The two left digits express the value of the A/D converter (0...255) in
hexadecimal numbers. The decimal point indicates which input channel is be
choosen. The position of the decimal point right beside the left digit represents
the first channel. The position of the decimal point right beside the right digit
represents the second channel.
‘00’h corresponds to a value of 0 mA and ‘F0’h to a value of approx. 20 mA.
This parameter can be used for checking the mA control input(s).
If the input signal is changed, the value indicated should also change.
The two digits on the right give the current phase in the cycle (0...255) in
hexadecimal numbers.
If the MPT 700 is currently pulsing, the value increases step-by-step, from ‘00’
to ’FF’h.
The burners are ignited when the ignition timings (parameter 20...27) are equal
to the current phase.
Parameter 6: test of binary control inputs
This parameter is indicated as a hexadecimal number. If several inputs are
active at the same time, their hexadecimal codes are added.
An 'x' indicates that the digit concerned is not relevant for this test.
Test table:
Indication Meaning
x x 0 0
all inputs active
x x 0 1
INPUT 1 active
x x 0 2
INPUT 2 active
x x 0 4
INPUT 3 active
x x 8 0
INPUT 4 active (T2/V5.x) *
x C x x
buttons not in use
x 4 x x
top right button
x 8 x x
bottom right button
1 x x x
three-point step controller (-)
2 x x x
three-point step controller (+)
3 x x x
three-point step controller at rest (0)
* switches periodically if jumpers 500 (bridged) and 501(bridge 2-3) are set.
input voltage = 0V
input voltage = +12...24V