[0 (Linear), 1…9, 10 (exp/log)]
These set the curvatures of the Attack, Decay, and Release segments, respectively. You can edit curvatures in the
Envelope graphic by hovering over the desired segment and then dragging the yellow dot left or right.
Filter/Amp/Pitch Envelope Trigger
Trigger Src (Trigger Source)
[List of modulation sources]
This selects a source to start the envelope, or re-start it if it is already playing. For instance, you can use a tempo-synced
LFO to trigger the envelope in a repeating rhythm, or create a looping envelope (see below).
Envelopes started or re-started by the Trigger Source work slightly differently from normal. The Decay always takes its
full time, even if Sustain is at maximum; in this case, it acts as a hold time. Following the Decay time, the envelope goes
to 0 over the Release time, even if the note is still being held.
Trigger Threshold
This sets the modulation level which will trigger the envelope. Among other things, you can use this to adjust the exact
point in an LFO’s phase at which the envelope will be reset, effectively controlling its “groove” against other rhythmic
When the threshold is positive (or 0), the envelope resets when passing through the threshold moving upwards. In
other words, if the value has been below the Threshold, and then changes so that it is equal to or greater than the
Threshold, the envelope resets.
When the threshold is negative, the envelope resets when passing through the threshold moving downwards. In other
words, if the value has been above the Threshold, and then changes so that it is equal to or below the Threshold, the
envelope resets.
Note: modulation sources may not always reliably reach the extreme values of +100 or -100. This can happen due to
smoothing, or with LFOs when using certain shapes and faster speeds. If this is the case, Thresholds of
will cause inconsistent behavior. To avoid this issue, reduce the Threshold until the Envelope resets consistently.
Trigger at Note-On
[Off, On]
Trigger at Note-On is available for the Filter and Pitch Envelopes only. The Amp Envelope always triggers at note-on.
: The envelope will start automatically at note-on. This is the default.
: The envelope will only start via the Trigger Source.
Note: The Trigger Source’s value at note-on can cause the envelope to trigger instantly. If the Threshold is
this will happen if the value is at or above the Threshold; if the Threshold is
, this will happen if the value is at
or below the Threshold.
Tip: Looping Envelopes
You can use these controls to create a simple looping envelope. To do so:
1. Set the Trigger Source to the same envelope that you’re working with.
For example, if you’re setting up the Filter Envelope, set the Trigger Source to the Filter Envelope.
2. Set the Trigger Threshold to -1.
3. Set the Sustain Level to -2.
Now, the envelope will re-start every time that it reaches the end of the Decay segment.