Input From PT, Bearing and
Distance, and click [Calc.].
If the entered PT doesn‟t exist in
project, program will request you to
enter coordinates.
After inputting, click [Enter] to
the new point coordinate will be
calculated and be displayed.
1) To call coordinate data from project, Click [Load].
2) Elevation value can not be calculated, only can be manually input
the results is stored in
coordinates data files.
The Bowditch (compass rule) adjustment method is used to adjust a recorded
traverse. The traverse is defined by entering start and end points and the intermediate
points are determined from foresight observations. The coordinates for the start and
end points must be known.
●If the coordinates of the initial BKS PT are known, the software calculates the
bearing from the point data.
●The foresight option must be used to record observations to the traverse points and
the observed end point must have a different point number to the known point.
●To adjust angles the end point must be occupied and a known point observed to
measure the closing angle. The point number used for this observation must be