Enter into slope layout menu.
Input the prism pole and sight a
point near where it is estimated the
slope will intercept and press
[Measure] to take the first trial shot.
The appropriate slope is selected
from the data entered in the
preceding step. The appropriate
slope is selected from the data
entered in the preceding step. The
first intercept is computed assuming
a horizontal surface at the level of
the measured point. The error from
measured point to calculated point
will be displayed. The layout
method of slope is same with point
setting out. When the data which
display in [→] and [↑] is 0, the
setting out point is found.
After laying out the point, click
[Return] to return to slope layout
main menu. Input or select other
slope to layout and layout as the
same method.
1) An intersection can not be computed if the ground surface passes through
the hinge point.
2) The cut is not displayed because the cut at the computed point is zero.
13.2.7 Cross Section Setout
To set out design cross sections select X-Sect from the Set Out menu.
The cross section setout is similar to the alignment setout, the points are uploaded in
chainage, offset and level format and a reference alignment must also exist.