Operation 2-7
TP-5672 11/95
When the Normal Source Returns
1. The source-available, normal LED illuminates.
2. The time-delay emergency-to-normal ON LED
illuminates to indicate the emergency-to-normal
time delay is timing.
3. The time-delay emergency-to-normal END LED
illuminates to indicate the time delay has
completed timing.
4. The load-shed LED illuminates at the same time
all loads to be shed are disconnected from the
switch (if equipped with load-shed option).
5. After the load-shed time-before-transfer timer has
completed timing, the contactor transfers to the
Off position. The contactor-position emergency
LED turns off and the contactor-position Off LED
6. The time-delay off-position ON LED illuminates to
indicate the off-position-time-delay is timing.
7. The time-delay off-position END LED illuminates
to indicate the time delay has completed timing.
8. The contactor transfers to the normal position.
The contactor-position OFF LED turns off and the
contactor-position normal LED illuminates.
9. After the load-shed time-after-transfer timer has
completed timing, the selected loads for the
normal source are returned to the switch. The
load-shed LED turns off (if equipped with
load-shed option).
10. The
illuminates to indicate the generator set engine
cooldown timer is timing.
11. The time-delay-engine-cooldown END LED stays
illuminated until the generator has shut down.
12. The source-available emergency LED turns off.