Service and Repair Manual
Target audience
2.2 Target audience
2.2.1 Responsibility of machinery owner
The machinery owner is responsible for the following:
Checking the knowledge and skills of the personnel
Establishing the required additional, refresher, and further training
Establishing the responsibilities and authorizations
Applying the ILO – “C138 - Minimum Age Convention, 1973” with a minimum age for admission
to employment of 14 years
Supplying the required tools and spare parts
2.2.2 International standard classification of occupations
In accordance with the international standard classification of occupations (ISCO-08) of the Interna-
tional Labor Office (ILO), the following unit groups are listed as references to define the target
groups, occupations and joint tasks.
2.2.3 Occupational references
The occupations listed perform the following work in accordance with the "General safety instruc-
tions" chapter:
– the main tasks described in this manual or these instructions
– the tasks identified as requirements to prepare the main tasks
For the SL1 maintenance of power generation engines: Mainte-
nance Technician
In relation to ILO – Power Plant or Industrial Machinery Mechanics – unit group 7233 / ISCED-97
level 2)
The work on engines, equipment as well as mechanical and electronic equipment includes:
– Operating the machine and facilities
– Performance of scheduled maintenance work
– Assembly, installation, assessment, adjustment, testing and maintenance
– Location of defects
– Recording the repair and maintenance work performed
For the SL2 maintenance of power generation engines: Techni-
In relation to ILO – Power Plant or Industrial Machinery Mechanics – unit group 7233 / ISCED-97
on at least one level, from 3 to 4)
The work on engines, equipment as well as mechanical and electronic equipment includes:
– Operating the machine and facilities
– Performance of scheduled maintenance work
– Assembly, installation, assessment, adjustment, testing and maintenance
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