Electric motors Size 63 - 225 ATEX / IECEx
Pos: 8.21 /KN2006-SM/Störungen/007 1.1 Inbetriebnahme nach behobener Störung_Titel @ 9\mod_1144442691882_1.doc @ 87274
8.3 Commissioning after remedied fault
Pos : 8. 22 /KN 2006-SM /St örungen/ 007 1. 1. 0 Inbetriebnahme nac h behobener St örung --> St andard --> ggf. anpass en @ 9\ mod_1144442763671_1. doc @ 87281
After remedying the fault carry out the following steps for re-
Reset the emergency stop devices.
Acknowledge the fault on the control unit.
Make sure that there is nobody in the danger area.
Start by following the instructions in the chapter "Operation".
Pos : 8. 23 /KN 2006-SM /nL---------- Abschnitts ende ---------- @ 8\ mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 75471
Pos : 8. 24 /KN 2006-Pr ojekte/Herf order Elektromot oren-Wer ke/Stör ung en/AT EX/007 1.1.0 Pot ential ausgleich und Er dung anbring en EX-SCHUTZ @ 60\ mod_1203499601815_1.doc @ 1040010
Explosion protection
Introducing ignition sources such as sparks in the
potentially explosive area can cause explosions.
Therefore, after carrying out all work to remedy
faults in the potentially explosive area:
– Make sure that all aggregates are connected to
each other with potential equalisation of
sufficient dimensions. To be performed by
a qualified electrician only.
– Make sure that the motor is earthed to prevent
static charging. To be performed by a qualified
electrician only.
Failure to adhere to these instructions will lead to
a loss of the explosion protection.
Pos : 9.1 /KN2006- SM/nL.......... Seitenumbr uc h .......... @ 8\mod_1141998334703_0.doc @ 75489