Electric motors Size 63 - 225 ATEX / IECEx
Pos : 2. 28 /KN 2006-SM /Sic her hei t/ 006 Pers önliche Schutz ausst at tung/ 006 1. 1. 0_2 Bei bes onderen Ar beiten z u tragen_Tit el @ 8\ mod_1143361122656_1. doc @ 80999
To be worn for special tasks
When carrying out special tasks, special safety equipment and
clothing is required. Reference is made to this in the individual
chapters of this manual. These special items of safety clothing and
equipment are explained in the following:
Pos : 2.29 /KN 2006-SM /Sic her hei t/006 Pers önliche Schutz ausstattung/Atemschutz , l eicht @ 8\mod_1143361876540_1.doc @ 81034
Light breathing mask
to protect from harmful dust.
Pos : 2. 30 /KN 2006-SM /nL---------- Abschnitts ende ---------- @ 8\ mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 75471
Pos : 2. 31 /KN 2006-SM /Sic her hei t/ 007 Besondere G ef ahr en/007 1. 1 Bes ondere G ef ahr en_Tit el und Einl eit ung @ 8\ mod_1143366409048_1.doc @ 81170
2.5 Special hazards
The following section points out residual risks which have been
determined by a risk analysis.
Adhere to the safety instructions listed here and the warnings in
other chapters in order to reduce health hazards and prevent
dangerous situations.
Pos : 2. 32 /KN 2006-SM /nL---------- Abschnitts ende ---------- @ 8\ mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 75471
Pos : 2. 33 /KN 2006-Pr ojekte/Herf order Elektromot oren-Wer ke/Sic herheit/ ATEX/ 007 1. 1. 0 Besonder e G ef ahren EX-SCHUTZ @ 59\ mod_1203496019641_1. doc @ 1039437
Explosion protection
The introduction of ignition sources such as sparks,
open flames and hot surfaces can cause
explosions in the potentially explosive area.
Therefore, when carrying out all work on the
machine in the potentially explosive area:
– Do not start any work without a written permit.
– Only carry out work to the exclusion of a
potentially explosive atmosphere.
– Only use tools which are approved for use in
the potentially explosive area.
Failure to adhere to these instructions will lead to a
loss of the explosion protection.
Pos : 2. 34 /KN 2006-SM /nL---------- Abschnitts ende ---------- @ 8\ mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 75471