Electric motors Size 63 - 225 ATEX / IECEx
Transportation, packaging and storage
Pos : 5. 28 /KN 2006-SM /Transport , Verpac kung und Lager ung/ 007 1.1 Lagerung_Ti tel @ 38 \ mod_1179315679426_1. doc @ 471241
5.4 Storage
Pos : 5. 29 /KN 2006-Pr ojekte/Herf order Elektromot oren-Wer ke/Trans port /007 1. 1. 0 Lager ung der Pac ks tüc ke @ 59\ mod_1203074612840_1.doc @ 1034278
Storing packages
Store the packages under the following conditions:
Do not store in the open.
Keep in a dry and dust-free environment.
Do not expose to any corrosive media.
Protect from sunlight.
Make sure to store in a low-vibration environment
≤ 0.2 mm/s)
Avoid large fluctuations in storage temperature.
Relative humidity: max. 60 %.
Check the insulation resistance as necessary
chapter "Checking the insulation resistance").
Grease or replace the rolling bearings as necessary
chapter "Maintenance").
When storing for longer than 3 months, regularly check the
general condition of all parts and the packaging. If necessary,
replenish or replace the conservation.
In some cases there will be instructions for storage
on the packages informing you of further
requirements going beyond those listed here.
Adhere to these instructions accordingly.
Pos : 6. 1 / KN2006- SM/ nL.... ... ... Seit enumbr uc h . ... ... ... @ 8\ mod_1141998334703_0. doc @ 75489