Motors – connect the red plug from the motor into the red socket and the black plug into the black
socket on the K’NEX Interface.
The two Motor Outputs give movement in either direction and/or at varying speeds.
Plug the motor into one of the pairs of motor output sockets i.e. into A1 and A2 or B1 and B2.
Black (negative) socket
Red (positive) socket
Red indicator light
Indicator light
Indicator light
To test motors, click in the boxes alongside
the appropriate letter in the I/O panel – click
either in the left-hand box to turn a motor
in a counterclockwise direction (reverse),
or in the right-hand box to turn a motor
in a clockwise direction (forward).
The state of the motor socket is shown by the indicator light between the sockets.
If the motor is switched forward the LED indicator goes green (switches the left
socket (A1) negative and the right socket (A2) positive).
If the motor is switched reverse the LED indicator goes red (switches the left socket
(A1) positive and the right socket (A2) negative).
Commands in the K’NEX Computer Control Software can be used to change the motors’ direction
of rotation (to turn it forwards or to reverse it).
The voltage to the motor output can be set at 10 levels so the speed of a motor can be controlled in the
software between 10 and 100% (in steps of 10%). If no speed is specified the motor will automatically
run at full speed (100%).
The motor outputs can individually source or handle 600 mA continuously. A Pulse Width Modulator,
running at a frequency of 62 Hz, controls the power. The maximum combined current for the 6 x digital
outputs and the 2 x motor outputs when used with the power supply is 1.3 A (1300 mA).
It is possible to use a Motor output in the same way as the digital outputs whenever extra outputs are
required. Use ‘Motor’ commands to switch the outputs on and off.
Reverse - red
Forward - green
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