Power supply
The power supply packaged with the K’NEX Interface is rated with an output of 2 A, 6 V A/C with a
positive center and a negative outer pin.
The K’NEX Interface has thermal over current protection and will not be damaged by a short circuit
if powered using the power supply provided with the Interface.
Safety Notice
Under no circumstances should any part of the K’NEX Interface be connected directly or indirectly
to any voltage in excess of 12 V. Any powered supply used to power the K’NEX Interface must
include a low voltage transformer to fully isolate this unit from the grid. The warranty for the
K’NEX Interface applies only if it has been used with the power supply provided.
Outputs and Inputs
The K’NEX Computer Control Set includes several Input and Output devices to use with the K’NEX
Interface to control the K’NEX models. Input and Output devices are easily connected to the interface.
Only the devices included in this set should be used with the K’NEX Interface
The K’NEX Interface has 6 pairs of output sockets, 4 pairs of Input sockets and 2 pairs of motor output
sockets, which are 4 mm in diameter.
Plug an output device e.g. LED, into one of the pairs of output sockets.
Black (negative) socket
Red (positive) socket
Red indicator light
Indicator light
Indicator light
To test an output device, click in the box alongside the appropriate output number in the I/O panel
to switch it On (the box will change color). Click back in the box to switch it Off.
The state of an output socket (On or Off) is shown by the indicator light alongside the socket. When
an output is switched On (line is HIGH) the LED will be lit. When the output is switched Off (when line
is LOW) the LED will be off.
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