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the technical data. A corresponding safety data sheet can be requested from our KKT chillers Service Team
see: Contact details
Filter dryer
The task of the filter dryer is to absorb any contamination or moisture from the cooling circuit. Both refrigerant
and oil are hygroscopic. When installing the refrigeration circuit, the oil may absorb moisture. This moisture
can lead to corrosion and impair the cooling process. The filter dryer bonds this moisture and also has a
mechanical filter effect. If work is being performed on the refrigeration circuit, for which it has to be opened,
the filter dryer must be replaced.
Pressure sensors
The pressure sensors used are compact pressure transmitters with piezoresistive measurement cell. The
sensors continuously record the system pressure at various locations in the refrigerant and cold water
circuits. The values are used to regulate the system and for visualisation on the controller display.
Temperature sensors
The temperature sensors employed are equipped with a platinum measurement cell. The sensors
continuously record the temperature at various locations in the refrigerant and cold water circuits. The values
are used to control the system.
Control unit / main circuit board
The control unit is a control that is programmed at the factory. This is where all system-technical
measurement values and information come together. In addition, the electrical components are controlled
via algorithms.
The display is used to visualise the necessary information and processes of the system for the user. Plus, it
can be used to make entries. The display communicates with the control unit. Further information on
operation can be found in
Chapter 8.5 Control panel
Control cabinet
The control cabinet conforms to the requirements of EN 60204 and contains the electrical and electronic
components for controlling the chiller. The control cabinet can be accessed by removing the operating panel.
To prevent damage to the main switch when disassembling the side panel, it must be tilted at least 10 cm
before it can be removed. It can be opened by means of a standard two-way key. A corresponding circuit
diagram is included with the device.
Figure 3: Demounting the side panel