34 Getting Started Guide
Quick Start
Transportable Licenses
Transportable licenses are identifiable by the “T” included in their license
number such as: E7530A-1TP-FDD or E7523A-1TP. This type of license
enables you to move the license from one host instrument or PC to another,
without the need to contact Keysight. Follow the steps above to install the
transportable license for the first time.
To transport a license after that installation, run Keysight License Manager on
the host that currently has the license, and transport the license. (Select
> Keysight License Manager Help
and search for “transport” to find detailed
You can also save a transportable license to Keysight Software Manager (KSM)
for later assignment to a host. To do so, review the Transporting Licenses
section (found as described above) in the Keysight License Manager Help.
When you are asked to choose a destination for the license, select
Save the
license to Keysight Software Manager
When you are ready to assign the license to a host, come back to KSM and
look for the action bubble entitled
You can request new licenses
. Click the
bubble and follow the instructions given.
Other related topics for managing your software and licenses can be found by
reviewing the Keysight License Manager Help available from the
drop-down menu of the KSM software.
Transportable licenses for the E7515A UXM allow you to transport licenses up to
30 times within the previous 10 days.