Functional Description
In multi-channel list mode, the DDA-08/16 writes all data to a random list
of analog channels.
The channel-gain list may contain channels in any order but only with
unity gain. In simultaneous mode, the list may
repeat the same
The DDA-08/16 can optionally output to all DACs in the list
simultaneously, or write to one DAC in the list at each timing event.
Refer to the
Using DriverLINX with Your Hardware, Keithley DDA-08/16
manual that accompanies your DriverLINX software.
Output Ranges
DDA-08/16 boards support both voltage output and current output. You
select the output signal for each quad DAC using the output signal
switches on the board. Refer to page 3-14 for more information.
Voltage output and current output ranges are described as follows:
Voltage output
— For voltage output, you can select one of five
ranges (0 to 10V, 0 to 5V, ±10V, ±5V, or ±2.5V) for each quad DAC.
You select the voltage output range using two switches on the board.
The output span switch determines the span (5V, 10V, or 20V); the
output range type switch determines the output range type (unipolar
or bipolar). Refer to page 3-15 and page 3-17 for more information.
Table 2-1 shows the voltage output ranges provided by each span and
output range type.
Table 2-1. Voltage Output Ranges
Output Range Type
0 to 5V
0 to 10V
Not applicable
Do not select a 20V span with a unipolar output range
type. If you do, the output will saturate at about 10V with
approximately a half scale input to the quad DAC.
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