Setup and Installation
Determine an even boundary of eight I/O addresses that is not being used
by another resource in your system (including another DDA-08/16
board), and set the switches to the appropriate base address. It is
recommended that you use a base address between 300h and 370h, if
Typically, base addresses between 300h and 370h are available
for use. However, keep in mind that a network board, a sound board, a
CD-ROM, or other data acquisition board may use a base address within
this space.
DriverLINX allows you to set base addresses between 200h and 3F0h
only. Therefore, if you are using your DDA-08/16 board with software
that requires a configuration file, you must specify an even boundary of
eight I/O addresses within the range of 200h to 3F8h.
Setting the Analog Output Range
Specify the analog output range by setting the following switches for each
quad DAC:
The output signal switches (four for each quad DAC) allow you to
select voltage output or current output.
The output range type switch allows you to select bipolar voltage
output, unipolar voltage output, or current output.
The output span switch allows you to select a 5V span, a 10V span, a
20V span, or current output.
Table 3-3 summarizes the settings of the switches on a DDA-08/16 board
that determine the analog output range for each quad DAC.
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