Setup and Installation
Setting the Base Address
DDA-08/16 boards require eight consecutive 8-bit locations in the I/O
space of your host computer. DDA-08/16 boards are shipped with a base
address of 300h. If any of the address locations between 300h and 307h
are being used by another resource in your system (including another
DDA-08/16 board), you must reconfigure the base address using the base
address switch block (labeled S9 on the board).
The default base address setting in the DriverLINX configuration
file is 0x300hex (768 decimal) for board 0, 308h for board 1, 310h for
board 2, and 318h for board 3 (a block of eight free addresses for each
DDA-08/16 board). Make sure that the switch settings for each board
match the DriverLINX settings for each board.
The base address switch block contains seven switches, labeled 1 through
7. The location of the base address switch block on the DDA-08/16 board
is shown in Figure 3-1.
Place a switch in the ON position (logic 0) by sliding the switch toward
the top (numbered side) of the switch block. Place a switch in the OFF
position (logic 1) by sliding the switch toward the bottom (unnumbered
side) of the switch block.
A switch in the ON position corresponds to a value of 0; a switch in the
OFF position corresponds to the value shown in Table 3-2.
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