Testing Accessory Slot and I/O Connections
To determine whether the problem is in the accessory slot or in the I/O
connections, perform the following steps:
1. When you are sure that the computer is operating properly, remove
computer power again, and install a DDA-08/16 board that you know
is functional. Do not make any I/O connections.
2. Apply computer power and check operation with the functional
DDA-08/16 board in place. This test checks the computer accessory
slot. If you are using more than one DDA-08/16 board, check the
other slots you are using.
3. If the accessory slots are functional, check the I/O connections.
Connect the accessory boards, one at a time, and check operation.
4. If operation is normal, the problem is in the DDA-08/16 board(s)
originally in the computer. Try the DDA-08/16 board(s) one at a time
in the computer to determine which is faulty.
5. If you cannot isolate the problem, refer to the next section for
instructions on getting technical support.
Technical Support
Before returning any equipment for repair, call Keithley for technical
support at:
Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., Eastern Time
Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com