➤ Please consult with KAESER if you have questions to the appropriate lifting gear.
Precondition The lifting gear complies with local safety regulations.
Fig. 41 Transporting with a crane
The machine can be damaged by incorrect attachment of the lifting gear!
➤ Do not attach the lifting gear to any of the machine components.
➤ The manufacturer can advise on the use of suitable lifting gear.
2. Use the lifting gear correctly and lift the machine carefully.
12.5 Disposal
When disposing of a machine, drain out all liquids and remove dirty filters.
Precondition The machine is decommissioned.
1. Completely drain the oil from the machine.
2. Remove old filters.
3. Hand the machine over to an authorized disposal expert.
➤ Components contaminated with oil must be disposed of in accordance with local environ‐
ment protection regulations.
12 Decommissioning, Storage and Transport
12.5 Disposal
Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor
No.: 9_5752 24 E