Material Here you will find details on special tools, operating materials or spare parts.
Precondition Here you will find conditional requirements necessary to carry out the task.
Here conditions relevant to safety are named that will help you to avoid dangerous situations.
➤ This symbol denotes lists of actions comprising one stage of a task.
Operating instructions with several steps are numbered in the sequence of the operating steps.
Information relating to one option only are marked with an option code (e.g., H1 indicates that
this section applies only to machines with screw-in machine feet).
Information referring to potential problems are identified by a question mark.
The cause is named in the help text ...
➤ ... as is a solution.
This symbol identifies important information or measures regarding the protection of the envi‐
Further information Further subjects are introduced here.
Regarding this document
Symbols and labels
No.: 9_5752 24 E
Assembly and operating manual 1-stage piston compressor
Option H1