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6.2.5 KNX Data Secure
KNX Data Secure signs and encrypts the communication in KNX networks and provides a secured data
transmission of telegrams.
The communication at commissioning processes with the ETS and the runtime communication between
devices and visualisations is protected by KNX Data Secure. This ensures all KNX telegrams or just selected
KNX telegrams to be authentificated and encrypted independent from the medium. The communication
between transmitter and receiver can neither be interpreted nor manipulated.
- ETS 5.7.4 or higher
FDSK entered/scanned or device certificate added
KNX Data Secure
Secure Commissioning
device safety is not activated
device is compatible
device safety is activated
device is compatible
no device safety available
device is not compatible
not possible
device with activated device
safety in application
device is compatible
The ETS marks compatible devices for KNX Data Secure with a “secure shield” symbol. The symbol will
be displayed in the list view of devices and in the tree structure of an opened ETS project. It doesn’t refer
directly to the device but to the used application program.
When a symbol is displayed in the column “security” in the list view, the application program is compatible
with KNX Data Secure. The colour of the symbol indicates an application program with activated device
safety (blue) or not activated device safety (grey) for the used application.
Application programs without displayed symbol are principally not compatible with KNX Data Secure. In
the tree view devices – corresponding to the used application – will also be marked with a “secure shield”
Group addresses
Devices which should safely communicate during runtime must be secure commissioned by the ETS. Group
addresses will be created by the user of the ETS and receive a special safety attribute which can be edited
Group addresses can be marked with the following safety attributes:
- unsecure – communication is conventional
- secure – communication is always safe
- automatic secure or unsecure – communication is depending on the links to objects
Only safe group addresses have an encryption during runtime. Compatible devices for KNX Data Secure
which were secure commissioned and are interchanging secured data via communication objects with other
devices for KNX Data Secure during runtime can principally also communicate conventional (unsecure) via
selected group addresses. A combined operation of secure and conventional communication is possible at
a sensor or actuator via different communication objects. But the communication via Secure and Unsecure
with one and the same group address and therefore the same object is not possible.