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20320 1S IPS R
Run-on time for trigger 2
before Goodbye scene is
started (s)
1 .. 30 .. 3600
Time delay in seconds which
activates scene Goodbye after
activation by trigger 1.
Parameterization note:
If scenes Goodbye and Welcome
are used together, the time delay
must be longer than activation time
of scene Welcome. This avoids an
accidental permanently lit of the
room light after leaving the room.
Output value (scene) Goodbye
1 .. 64
Value which is sent to the extension
scene (KO16) by activation of
scene Goodbye.
Switching to operation mode
room controller Goodbye
When active, operation mode
of room controller will be sent
by activation of scene Goodbye
according to parameter “Output
value (operation mode)”.
Output value (operation
Automatic (0)/
Comfort mode (1)/
Standby mode
Night mode (3)/
Frost/heat protection (4)
Value which is sent to operation
mode of room controller (KO32) by
activation of scene Goodbye.