• Only personnel who have received proper training
regarding the inspection, application and operation
of MEWPs (including recognition and avoiding haz-
ards associated with their operation) shall be autho-
rized to operate a MEWP.
• Only properly trained personnel who have received
unit-specific familiarization shall operate a MEWP.
The user shall determine if personnel are qualified to
operate the MEWP prior to operation.
• Read, understand, and obey all DANGERS, WARN-
INGS, CAUTIONS, and operating instructions on the
machine and in this manual.
• Ensure that the machine is to be used in a manner
which is within the scope of its intended application
as determined by JLG.
• All operating personnel must have a thorough
understanding of the intended purpose and func-
tion of the MEWP controls, including platform,
ground and emergency descent controls.
• Read, understand, and obey all applicable employer,
local, and governmental regulations as they pertain
to your utilization and application of the machine.
Workplace Inspection
• Precautions to avoid all hazards in the work area
must be taken by the user before and during opera-
tion of the machine.
• Do not operate or raise the platform from a position
on trucks, trailers, railway cars, floating vessels, scaf-
folds or other equipment unless the application is
approved in writing by JLG.
• Before operation, check work area for overhead haz-
ards such as electric lines, bridge cranes, and other
potential overhead obstructions.
• Check operating surfaces for holes, bumps, drop-
offs, obstructions, debris, concealed holes, and other
potential hazards.
• Check the work area for hazardous locations. Do not
operate the machine in hazardous environments
unless approved for that purpose by JLG.
• Ensure that the ground conditions are adequate to
support the maximum outrigger load indicated on
the outrigger load decals located on the machine.
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