6.1 Description of lubricating system
Oil pump
Motorcycles equipped with oil pump are from now on greased with fuel mixture but not in
proportion given and mixed beforhand, which is changing subject to revolutions and to travel
of slide valve and oil is taken from separate reservoir.
The used oil pump MIKUNI IM 137-22 is adjusted from producer to basic optimum supplied
quantity of oil for motorcycles JAWA 350 and it cannot be replaced with any other type or
execution without preceding authorization of JAWA MOTO.
The oil pump, powered directly by crankshaft, is placed in left engine cover. The admission to
it can be reached when removing the cap fixed with two bolts. It is fixed to left cover with
two nuts and the sealing is executed with "O" ring No. OS/16
(supplied by MIKUNI).
Oil tank
Oil tank made of transparent plastic material is placed in rear part of underseat space ,
accessible after removing of the seat. It is equipped with filler and withdrawable cap and in
lower part with outlet. The oil tank has the capacity of 1,5 l. In its front part there is mark
indicating minimum oil level.
Oil supply to pump
It is realized by elastic transparent tube. From the reason of assembly this tube is detachable
above the rear engine part.
Oil supply to engine
Oil supply to engine from pump is also realized by elastic transparent tube of smaller profile,
which is connected with check valve "Check No CV-22+/320 " (MIKUNI), placed on upper
part of engine suction branch. This valve prevents from spontaneous oil penetration to suction
branch when engine is in rest.
Oil pump control
Control of oil pump segment and its synchronization with stroke of slide gate oof carburettor
is realized by divided bowden cable. Twist-grip is connected by one bowden with adaptor,
placed on frame under fuel tank. From this adaptor the bowdens of oil pump and of slide gate
of carburettor are leading.
6.2. Preparation of motorcycle
a) Filling of the oil tank with oil for two stroke engines (in inland Mogul TS), incl. feeding
b) Unstopping of feeding tube on engine and connection by means of connector with filled
feeding tube from oil tank.
c) Connection of pump bowden with left cover and its cords to operating pump segment -
acter removing of cover cap.
d) Connection of bowden of carburettor with slide gate