Secondary chain
Proper care and correct tensioning of
the chain are decisive for its function and
lifetime. It is important for the chain to
have necessary slack in every position of
swing arm. For example the chain must
never be stretched fully, whatever the
position of swing arm. To adjust chain
proceed as following:
With a machine standing on main
stand, loosen the nut of rear wheel
spindle and nut of rear wheel sprocket
bush. Then loosen M6 lock nut on
chain tensioner on both sides of
Then tension or slacken the
chain by gradually turning the
screws of both tensioners by the
same number of turns.
The chain is tensioned correctly
if, after releasing the top rubber
chainguard, the chain can be lifted
at least 3 centimeters. This slack
ensures that the chain will never
be fully stretched during the ride
due to the up and down movement
of swingarm. This could shorten
the lifetime of the chain or even
result in damage of bearings
(gearbox sprocket).
Than it is also important to allign perfectly both wheels when adjusting chain. To
measure alignment of the wheels, use a suitable adapted lath. A missalignment of the
wheels (not in same track) unfavourably affects the riding characteristics of the machine.
After having adjusted the chain and aligned the wheels, first tighten the lock nuts on
tensioners, and than nut of rear wheel sprocket bush and spindle nut. Recheck the tension
of the chain one more and adjust the rear brake and brake light switch.
Renewing secondary chain, without removing fully closed chainguard
The following procedure can be adopted for renewing the secondary chain when you
have another chain of the same length - to be exchanged with
Loosen the nuts of rear wheel spindle and sprocket. Than loosen the tensioners and
move the wheel forward as far as possible