The steps detecting defects in circuit of charging of battery and regulator R67
1. Provided that ignition set is operational
and motorcycle can start
2. Check-up the winding circuit on A67
) by means of ohmmeter
3. Verify that there is not short-circuit of
this winding on frame. Points 2 and 3
execute on disconnected terminal boards of
4. Verify connection of battery pole with regulator R67 pole(frame)
check-up ohmically if
the connection really exists
5. If the connections are really O.K. you can connect directly both filaments of auxiliary bulb
40/45W/12V to winding A67 (through disconnected terminal board). This bulb must normally
give light when engine revolutions reach 2.500 rev./min. The alternating voltage moves
around 14 V. If the bulb is alighted , the alternator A67 is O.K. ATTENTION : If the
revolutions exceed the norm the bulb gets burnt
6. If the regulated voltage on battery exceeds 14 V, and all the electrical consumers are
switched off, it´s R67 which is defected or the battery is discharged
7. If the voltage following point 6 is O.K.and is decreasing to less than 13,3V, under the
revolutions exceeding 3.000 rev./min. with attached "load" of headlight , it´s either the
battery which is discharged or there is defect on R67 (verified by accumulator).
8. If the battery is O.K. but still discharged = check-up the possibility of short-circuit
somewhere in cables, event. what loads are connected to motorcycle electrical network.
(system overloaded).
9. If all the points 1-8 are O.K. and battery is not yet charged enough , measure what current
is the cause of the discharge through R67, when motorcycle is not running. If current reaches
20 to 30 mA there is defect in regulator
10. Ohmmeter can serve for checking-up R67 if some of the entry phase conductors or +
outlet on battery is not short-circuited on frame or mutually between them. In this case R67 is
Procedure when detecting defaults in ignition circuit Z67
A. The motorcycle cannot be started-up at all
1. Disconnect Z67 conductors under tank
2. Measure the resistance of winding of charging coils on stator by direct current ohmmeter ;
furtheremore to check-up whether these coils don´t have the leakage on machine frame
3. Measure on yellow conductor leading from sensor S01, the correct resistance against
S01= 200
(sensor placed under right engine cover)
4. Disconnect terminal board at R67 and measure by direct current whether there is not
leakage of charging coils on source winding
Both windings are to be perfectly insulated from each other. If the windings on stator
and resistance S01 are O.K., stator A67 itself is O.K.,too