Exchange the ball bearing of
the rear sprocket.
After removing of rear wheel, unscrew with
32 mm spanner the nut of sprocket, which we
remove from the swing arm also with cover.
Detach the sleeves on the rear end of chain
cover, remove two M5 bolts and separate
both halves of the chaincover. Now you can
lift off the sprocket without disconnecting the
chain. Than carefully press or drive out the
spacing bush and proceed to remove the
spacer. The dust cover and the bearing lock
ring from the right side of the sprocket.
Using a suitable tube drive out the bearing
from the side of the driving lug and then
press home the new bearing using a tube with
diametrer of outer bearing ring. Never drive
the bearing over the inner ring – this would
amage the bearing. Prior to refitting the dust
covers fill the bearing with grease PM-LA-2.
Exchange of ballbearings of front and
rear wheel.
Remove the cover of brake drum with brake shoes,
and carefully remove the dust covers from both sides.
Unlock the bearing and from other side drive the bearing
so far as the primary unlocked bearing falls out. Remove
the distance tube and stamped washer of the bearing. The
other bearing drive with the tube back to the other side of
To refit the bearings proceed as follows:
First put the stamped washer in that side of the
hub where the bearing is secured with a lock
ring with the convex side of the washer turned
inside the hub. Using a suitable tube, press in the
new bearing (apply the tube on outer ring) till it
bears against the washer and secure it with the
respective lock ring. From the other side insert
the distance tube (into the middle of the stamped
washer) and then press home the other bearing.
The bearings and also partly the hub must be
packed with PM-LA2 grease.