Alternator A 67
The stator of alternator contains two types of winding.
1. Charging winding for feeding Z67. The resistance of winding = 820
(measured direct-
current). In heated state in operation the resistance will reach 1.000
- 1.200
. The voltage
impulses of even 400 V are generating during operation. This winding is providing the
maximum current of approx. 0,2 A. It can be short-circuited without its successive damaging.
The first serie A49 of 1997 presents the resistance of charging coils approx. 1.160
temperature 20 C and approx. 1.600
in heated state. The preceding type of stators of
alternator A30 have presented resistance of charging coils of 1.180
+- 10%.
Attention !
Stators A30, A49 and A67 are not in any case interchangeable. The same with rotors A30,
A49 and A67. Rotor A30 doesn´t allow to suppress the left-hand engine run.
2. The source winding presents small resistance approx. 0,4
- 0,5
. The battery source
winding generates alternating voltage to amplitude 100V. During operation the alternator is
getting warmed up to temperatures near to 100 C. When testing separately from motorcycle it
is necessary always to connect the switch Z67 with charging coils. Not loaded charging
winding provides voltage higher than 1200V under higher revolutions (
4.000 rev./min).
There is danger of breakdown and dammage of winding.
The core(spider) must be separately connected with motorcycle frame. It is necessary to avoid
the short-circuit on stator core. The windings are insulated even from each other.
If there happens that some of outlet conductors signal the ohmic short-circuit or leakage on
frame, event. short-circuit between windings mutually (black and copper coils), either
decrease of lighting performance and warming of regulator R67 takes place or decrease of
spark performance takes place, because one end of winding for coil Z67 will be framed.
Only 50% of energy will get into Z67. It´s very dangerous to connect circuit of charging coils
(black) and source coils (copper) on stator A67. Under higher revolutions (
2.000 rev./min)
Z67 will be dammaged.
Rotor of alternator contains 12 permanent magnets. Any of two adjoining magnets have
always to have opposite orientation of magnetic field.
Regulator R67
It is monophasic and is connected to source winding on alternator A67 (by means of black
conductors). All needed connections are led through two two-pole and one single-pole
terminal boards.
Two of them (black) represent entries from alternator A67. Both are interchangeable and
equivalent as on A49 as on R30.
Red conductor is connected to + battery pole
White conductor on terminal board is frame. The alluminium cover is conductively connected
to frame by negative pole.
Green-red conductor serves for charging control