4. The resistance of secondary winding (measured on Vn outlets) = 6k
10%. For first series
(7th month of 1996) the coils with resistance of 7k
+- 10%- have been used. The
measurement is in principle direct-current (PU 120 etc.)
Attention !!
There cannot be in any case red, white a blue conductors Z67 connected to
battery (even for short period). These conductors cannot be connected to source winding of
alternator (for charging of the battery), neither. This winding on A67 and battery produce high
current (
5 A) , that usually damages the performance element inside Z67. Subsequently Z67
is definitively out of use.
The big short-circuited currents flowing through coil and its circuits signal different
"burls" on surface of coil casing. This place was affected by local overheating of some part.
When functionning normally, the winding charge in stator is not capable to provide this
damaging performance.
Short-circuit of Vn outlet on frame or short-circuit between Vn outlets mutually do not
menace the coil itself, but the motorcycle stops.
Yellow conductor (from S01) must not be in any case connected
- with charging winding of alternator. Especially under higher revolutions (
with winding for headlights and battery charging
The supplied performance will damage quickly (approx.within 10 sec.) the entry parts in Z67.
If there happens to connect yellow conductor to battery, it´s necessary to disconnect it quickly
( within 5 sec. max.), otherwise the entry parts in Z67 are damaged.
The preceding points show that ( S01 and Z67 being switched on) there is a higher danger
for damaging Z67 than S01 when + battery 12V is getting on connection between S01 and
If the engine cannot be switched off by means of blue conductor, one can use from necessity :
a) disconnection of red and white conductors
b) short-circuit of red and white conductors between them
c) short-circuit of yellow conductor on frame
d) disconnection of yellow conductor from S01
All four variants of how to switch off engine can be used when idling only (i.e. up to 2000
rev./min.) with the exception of point d) which can be used even when revolutions exceed
2000 rev./min.
In all the case the frame S01 and frame of coil must be perfectly connected electrically,
otherwise there is a danger of increased starting revolutions , eventually the spark in wrong
advance. If the spark is getting weak it´s possible that Vn coil is in partial short-circuit. We
shall find it by measuring of secondary winding resistance. (
: Coil heated in operation
presents resistance of approx. 7k
and coil out of operation with environ´s temperature 20 C
presents resistance of 6 k
). Measured resistance bellow 5 k
signals partial short-circuit on
coil winding , when winding disconnected (resistance
20 k
) the spark can get weaker.
The other possibility of weakening of the spark is the leakage of red conductor on
frame. This matter is connected with alternator A67, too.