After disassembly of the front fork a mudguard, put back the fork plugs to avoid pouiring oil
out of fork. Remove the headlight and indicators and let them hang on cabling or attach them
to the frame in the suitable way. On releasing and screwing out the upper nut of the steering
column (key S-81), take off the upper bearer.
Using the opposite side of the key S-81 loosen the lower nut of the steering column. Hold the
lower bearer in upper position in order that the balls do not fall out from the bearings.
Remove the nuts and take out lower bearer carefully.
In case of an urgent replacement of the steering bearing shells, we use a longer bar to drive
them out. At first, push the bearing shell from the lower bearer by means of sharp chisel on
several spots and carefully take it out.
When reassembling, take care to have the bearing shells of the steering head filled with
prescribed grease and to check if both bearings have 18 balls of dia 1/4“ (6,35 mm).
Reassembly is executed in opposite way, always observe these principles. First
retighten the lower nut of steernig column and than loosen it just enought in order that the
fork moves in bearing without play. Use S-81 for this job. Make sure about it and then secure
the upper nut.
Front fork
Removing front fork legs (front fork removed)
Remove the cover of headlight and dismantle the front brake caliper.
Take off front mudguard (2 bolts M6x16, 4 bolts M8x20).
Unscrew plugs of fork arms.
Loosen bolts of lower bearer (M10x65).
Screw the S-93 jig into the fork tube and tap the tube to loosen it from the bearer.
Removing front fork slider and damper, exchange of seal
Release the sockets on the collars and strip both as well as the carrier pipes from the slider,
take off the springs.
Unscrew by imbus nr.8 screw M10x25 in lower part of slider and remove the slider.
Remove the lock, sealing ring and remove the damper.
Remove the lock which holds the seal in the top section of the slider and take out the seal
ring. A new seal ring must be employed at each disassembly. The assembly proceeds in the
reverse sequence. Before fitting in the spring, fill the assembled arm with damper oil (4.5.3)
Mount the arm in the bearer, tighten the top plug and then the arm with the M10 bolt provided
in the bottom bearer.
Exchange of front fork oil.
Engine oil SAE 30-40 is used for front fork filling.
Each arm contains 200 cm
of damping oil. In adition to the damping effect this oil also
lubricates the slider bushes. When oil is changed for first time, we suggest to flush both
absorbers with flushing oil.
Perform first exchange of damping oil after 500 km.
Then change oil periodically every 5000 km.