Primary gear, clutch - dissasebly
CAUTION: First drain oil from the gearbox.
Take off the starting lever (first move it to the
star position) and remove the bolts holding the
left engine cover. After compressing the
springs take off the clutch pins, dismantle the
washers and springs and plates and insert the
securing plate S-66 into the clutch drum.
With barrel spanner nr.19 remove the nut M12
and take off the inner clutch drum.
With barrel spanner nr. 27 loosen the primary
gear nut. Using S-85 puller remove this
primary gear and take it together with the
clutch cage and chain off the shafts.
In most of the cases you may remove the
clutch cage without having to strip the primary
chain wheel, while moving a few times the
clutch cage on the mainshaft and releasing
thus the clutch gear spacer. Grip the released
spacer and pull it out and remove the cage.
Fit the primary chain gear on the clean,
dry crankshaft taper and the washer and spacer
(test the run out rate of the spacer faces before the
assembly) on the mainshaft. Place a steel ruler on
the gear flank against the gears to make sure that
both gears are alligned (admissible tolerance is of
0,5 mm).
The true alignment is important for primary chain
lifetime expectancy and the primary gear noise
rate. To eliminate the deviations (if any) of the
clutch chain gear fit steel shimp of adequate
thickness on the mainshaft between the bearing
and the washer. Test the parallelity and take off
the clutch gear again. Before mounting the
starting gear check the condition of the shaft seal
ring. Mount the starting gear (move the shaft for
the purpose to be in the starting position). Fit the
primary chain on the chain gear crankshaft taper
and crankshaft. Put on the inner clutch drum
(with fitted undamaged lock washer) on the
mainshaft. Fix the carrier with nut and lock the
washer. Screw home the primary chain gear nut
on the crankshaft For the job use the S-66 jig.