Notes to individual components :
Sensor S01
Sensor resistance = 200
+- 20%, measured by direct-current ohmmeter. This value is valid
when environs temperature reaches 20 C. If this motorcycle component is heated over the
named temperature, the resistance will be increased on 250
approx. On the other side when
freezing,, the resistance value is inferior to reach approx. 160
The measured resistance values (at temperature 20 C) inferior to 150
and superior to
indicate the defect (e.g. temporary winding short-circuit, event. winding breakage).
The short-circuited sensor S01 ( resistance
) represents on outlet weak signal and Z67
cannot generate the spark. The totally open circuit S01 can under some circumstances
generate puls voltage, which synchronizes coil Z67 and generates the spark. In this case it is
possible to increase the starting revolutions by signalization. The increased starting
revolutions can also be caused by partial short-circuit.
Puls voltage generated S01 is increasing together with rotor revolutions and is lowest
when starting-up. Its loss is from these reasons most apparent.
The eventual short-circuit of outlet conductor from sensor S01 on frame doesn´ t lead
to its dammage.
The switch of the sensor outlet on + battery pole doesn´ t damage sensor, if this
wrong switching on is repaired within 5minutes approx.. On the contrary the switching on
S01 to alternator circuit (e.g. through short-circuit in motorcycle cables) can cause damage of
this sensor.
In all these cases motorcycle stops, because the spark won´ t anyway be generated or
it will be on wrong engine cycle place. Being thus wrongly switched on and at the same time
the alternator winding and coil Z67 are connected, too, there is a danger of damaging the coil
: no harm for S01 to be short-circuited on frame, but the damage can be caused by
connection to another sources of electrical voltage.
Coil Z67
The source of energy is the charging (black) coil on stator. It is connected by means of
two conductors (red and white). The blue conductor serves to switching off the engine and
can be short-circuited on motorcycle frame only(= coil center Z67). The yellow conductor is
connected to sensor S01.
On high-voltage outlets one can read as far as 35 kV voltage . One spark is always
positive and the second one always negative. One spark is always in advance 2,5 mm in front
of the top dead center and second one always in the engine exhaust phase. After the revolution
of engine of 18 the situation interchanges. The cylinder in "exhaust" is in front of the top
dead center etc. The coil center becomes thus the frame point of Z67.
Diagnosis :
1. The resistance between yellow conductor and frame = 120
( direct-current)
2.The resistance between blue conductor and frame is very high(
50 k
). This indication is
informative only and can be influenced by type of testing machine. Practically speaking it is
the information very unreliable for control.
3. The resistance between red and white conductor mutually or against frame is very high,
too (
40 k
). This information is also very unreliable and the same statement as ad 2) is