7.23 Command PBR – Run Pixel Black Correction and Store to User Area
This command initiates the “pixel black level” correction function, and stores the settings in the
user area. When this function is activated, lens must be capped.
0 = Run this function
Associated functions:
Command PBC must be set to 2
This function requires that no light reaches the image sensors. The lens must therefore
be covered by a lens cap, or put the F-mount protective cover on the camera, when
executing this function.
As the black level is influenced by the exposure time (especially for long exposure
times at slow scan rates) it is recommended to perform the pixel black correction at
the exposure time and line rate at which the camera will be operated.
7.24 Command PBS - Request Status After Pixel Black Correction
This command returns the status of the pixel black correction, with the following parameters:
0=Not completed yet
2=Error1: Image too bright
3=Error2: Image too dark
4=Error3: Timeout occurred
7.25 Command PER,PEG,PEB and PEIR – Programmable Exposure for R,G,B,and NIR
This command allows individual setting of the exposure time for each channel. It is only valid for
the Shutter-Select mode
840 to 1194752 in 11.9 ns steps
Associated functions:
EI =0 :OFF (R,G,B and NIR independent)
EI=1: ON (R , B and NIR exposure interlocked with G)
Applicable modes:
Shutter-Select (internal/external trigger)
7.26 Command PGC – Select pixel gain correction mode
This command enables (or disables) the “pixel gain” (flat-field) correction function, which
compensates for Pixel Response Non Uniformity (PRNU) for individual pixels.
The algorithm for compensation is different in No-shutter mode and Shutter-Select mode.
If the operating mode is changed, an adjustment in the selected mode must be made. The factory
default is Shutter-Select mode.
0=Off (Default)
1=Factory Setting
2=User area
Associated functions:
Command PGR
Applicable modes: