GO-5000M-USB / GO-5000C-USB
- 35 -
Acquisition Start
Trigger Wait
Exposure Active
Frame Active
CCD Readout
Stream Active
Acquisition Status
Frame 1
Frame N
Acquisition Stop
Associated commands
Acqusition Start, Acqusition Stop
8.1.2 AcquisitionStart
This is the command to start Acquisition.
8.1.3 AcquisitionStop
This is the command to stop Acquisition.
8.1.4 Acquisition frame rate
With Trigger OFF, the default frame rate of the camera is based on the specified ROI. The smaller
the ROI, the faster the default frame rate. However, it is possible to specify a free-running frame
rate (i.e., no trigger needed) that is slower than the default rate. This can be useful when a longer
exposure time is needed for a specific ROI.
Modification of the frame rate is done by entering a value in the AcquisitionFrameRate control
corresponding to the frame frequency. Allowed values range from 3846 Hz to 0.125 Hz for
GO-5000-USB. However, if the value entered is less than the time required for the default frame
rate of the specified format, the setting is ignored and the default frame rate is used. For example,
the minimum frame period for the smallest possible ROI (1 line) requires 3846 Hz (fps), so any entry
more than 3846 Hz (fps) will always be ignored.
The setting range in Acquisition Frame Rate is:
Inverse number of time
required to drive all pixels in
the area set by ROI
command or
inverse number of time
required to transmit one
frame data
0.125 Hz (fps) = 8 seconds
For the above setting, Acquisition Frame Rate is used and its unit is Hz (fps).
Acquisition Frame Rate range: 3846 Hz (fps) to 0.125 Hz (fps)