JA-14K(R) Security System Control Panel
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One schedule event can control (enable or disable) setting and PG outputs at the same time.
Switching an application on and off for a certain time is possible in 2 ways. You can either set an action
for enabling and an action for disabling the PG output or only an action for enabling and set an impulse of
the required length for the PG output.
If you select Setting (Partial setting) of a specified section, at the specified time an exit delay with the
fixed time of 3 min. is first activated. All sensors in the specified sections with the Immediate reaction are
readjusted to have the Delayed reaction during this 3 min period. If you select Unsetting, unsetting is
executed immediately without an exit delay and all the loops are active immediately (including delayed
10.10 Communication tab
The tab is used to set the behaviour of communicators and the way of communication.
Registration key
– the unique registration number of the control panel.
System name
– Option to renamen the system. This name is used in texts for SMS reporting
Forward invalid SMS commands to
– selecting the user where SMS messages that are incomprehensible to
the control panel will be forwarded (invoicing information from the operator etc.)
SMS about unsuccessful setting
– If enabled, the control panel sends an SMS about unsuccessful setting.
When controlling is performed by an authorized user then the control panel sends an SMS to the telephone
assigned to this authorized user. When controlling with no authoriozation then the control panel sends an SMS
to the Administrators telephone number at position 1.
JA-190Y settings
– settings of JA-190Y if installed. See 10.10.1
LAN settings
PSTN settings
– settings of PSTN communicator (JA-190X) if installed. See 10.10.3 PSTN Settings.
GSM restart
– a button for logging the communicator out and logging it into the network again. It may take tens
of seconds to log the GSM communicator into the network again (depending on the current status of the
system). GSM can also be restarted using the SMS command GSM (see 9.7 SMS commands).
Communication type
– the system offers several methods of remote communication/configuration:
– it behaves like an autonomous device with its own SIM card. The device communicates
outwards (sends SMS and voice messages) and receives command SMS and has a functional voice
menu. Remote configuration with the NF-Link software is not possible.
Limited (GSM)
– communicates like the previous type and in addition it supports remote configuration
of the system. Remote configuration is possible from a computer with the N-Link software
with an Internet connection. To establish connection to the control panel N-Link connects