JA-14K(R) Security System Control Panel
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9.5 System control via application for smart phones
The security system can be controlled comfortably by an application for smart phones.
The application enables following functions:
check the current system status
set / unset the complete system or parts of it
control programmable (PG) outputs
browse the event history
send notifications to selected contacts by SMS, e-mail or PUSH
take pictures via photo verification devices and follow their history in the Photo gallery tab
or the History tab
The MyJABLOTRON application is available for iOS or Android and free for download from AppStore and
9.6 System control via supplementary communicator voice menu (GSM / PSTN)
The security system can be controlled remotely via a supplementary communicator (GSM or PSTN) and DTMF
tones on the caller’s cell phone. By calling from a previously known SIM card telephone number or a land line
telephone number the system picks up the call after a pre-set number of rings (default is 3 rings), the control
panel plays an introduction voice message and according to the settings maybe require a valid code entry.
The caller has to authorize himself by his access code. When the code is successfully verified then the system
tells you the status of the whole system and according to caller authorization offers other control options.
The status of a section can be controlled via the voice menu, entering and leaving service mode and recording
voice messages with the names of individual sections and special reports. Control of PG outputs is not possible
via the voice menu.
: Makes sure nobody is present in the protected premises before you set the system remotely.
9.7 SMS commands
The system can be controlled with SMS commands thanks to supplementary GSM communicator. SMS
commands can be used to control the setting statuses of individual sections (setting, unsetting), or just a query
about the statuses of individual sections or other statuses of the whole system. The texts of the command used
to control PG outputs are editable, the other texts cannot be changed. There are no factory commands to
control PG outputs, it is necessary to set them first.
Command structure:
is a user code;
_ is a separating space;
is the execution command (see list of commands below).
Query commands:
information about the system status can also be obtained with the use of the following commands
(the texts of the commands cannot be changed).
Control command:
the control of setting the
as a whole or just its individual
can be generated with the use of the
following commands:
SET, UNSET, or SET x x x, UNSET x x x, where x are numbers of sections separated by
a space
(the texts of the commands cannot be changed).
The control commands for the control of
outputs are not pre-set by the manufacturer and if necessary, they
must be set.
If control commands include accented diacritics (like with the languages GR and RU), then the
Diacritics parameter on the Communication tab under the “JA-190Y” settings” button should be enabled for
correct and reliable functioning. It is also necessary to mind small and capital letters when diacritics are
enabled. With usual characters size doesn´t matter.