JA-14K(R) Security System Control Panel
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Calendar control options related to guarding:
No control function pre-set.
It sets pre-set section(s) and starts with an exit beeping time of 180 s (regardless of how long
the exit time has been set in the control panel), within this time all alarm zones behave like a
delayed zone. A prolonged time of acoustic exit indication is meant for warning users who is in
the protected premises to inform them about the fact that the system has been set by an
automatic timer. During this time the user has to go to the system keypad immediately and
unset the section in the usual way or leave the protected premises. If he would ignore this
warning and stays in the building and keeps moving then an alarm will be triggered. The
control panel fully respects all ways of setting and checking the systems ready to be set rules.
Set partially
It sets pre-set section(s) partially and starts with an exit beeping time of 180 s (regardless of
how long an exit time has been set in the control panel), within this time all alarm zones
behave like delayed ones. A prolonged time for acoustic exit indication is meant for warning
users who are in the protected premises to inform them about the fact that the system has
been set partially by an automatic timer. Partial setting is not usually acoustically indicated
(See Parameters tab to enable it). The control panel fully respects all ways of setting and
checking the systems ready to be set rules.
Unset pre-set section from any guarding level (fully or partially set).
It sets pre-set section(s) immediately without an exit delay or any acoustic indication.
The system is set immediately so no movement is possible in the protected premises.
If someone would keep moving in the premises after self-setting performance then an alarm
would be triggered in the set section(s). The option is for fast and silent setting with
no warning. The control panel fully respects all ways of setting and checking the systems
ready to be set rules.
Set partially
It sets pre-set section(s) partially and immediately without an exit delay or any acoustic
indication. The system is set immediately in the pre-set time. The option is for fast and silent
setting with no warning. The control panel fully respects all ways of setting and checking
the systems ready to be set rules.
Set always
It sets pre-set section(s) and starts with an exit beeping time of 180 s (regardless of how
long the exit time has been set in the control panel), within this time all alarm zones behave
like a delayed zone. The control panel doesn´t fully respect all ways of setting and checking
the systems ready to be set rules.
Always set
It sets pre-set section(s) partially and starts with an exit beeping time of 180 s (regardless of
how long the exit time has been set in the control panel), within this time all alarm zones
behave like a delayed zone. The control panel doesn´t fully respect all ways
of setting and checking the systems ready to be set rules.
Always set
It sets pre-set section(s) immediately without an exit delay or any acoustic indication.
The system is set immediately so no movement is possible in the protected premises.
The option is for fast and silent setting with no warning. The control panel doesn´t fully
respect all ways of setting and checking the systems ready to be set rules.
Always set
partially and
It sets pre-set section(s) partially and immediately without an exit delay or any acoustic
indication. The system is set immediately in a pre-set time. The option is for fast and silent
setting with no warning. The control panel doesn´t fully respect all ways of setting and
checking the systems ready to be set rules.
PG output control options using calendar:
No blocking function pre-set.
Activate PG
Activates programmable output(s) if they are not blocked (for instance by calendar, device
or section).
Deactivate PG
Disable programmable PG outputs.
Block PG
Blocks pre-set PG outputs. Those outputs won´t be possible to switch on at all until it will be
unblocked by the calendar action “Unblock PG“. Entering or leaving service mode don´t
unblock it.
Unblock PG
Unblocks pre-set PG output blocking.
Function blocking action by the calendar:
Every planned action can be blocked by one optional PG output. Blocking means: when a PG output is
activated then a specific action won´t be performed for a predefined time. This blocking can for example be
a blocked calendar action for unsetting before you go for a holiday. Blocking can be indicated on a control
button on the keypad (pre-set to PG ON / OFF) named as “Holiday”, etc.