For a stationary camera with medium camera angle or visual angle
(vertical) the following shows the various qualities at installation angles
where the PTZ and stationary synch share (horizontal intersect angles) a
view of an intruder:
For a stationary camera with a steep camera angle or visual angle
(vertical angle) the following shows the qualities at installation angles
where the PTZ and stationary synch share (horizontal intersect angles) a
view of an intruder:
If an area is sizable and requires more than one camera place the
cameras so that the field of views overlap sufficiently so that there are no
dead zones between them. Factors of lens selection, camera height,
depth and width of view will determine the capabilities of the cameras to
cover any given FOV area. The overlap should be such that the area of
overlap provides the ability to view the full top-to-bottom height of an
intruder by the camera covering the dead zone of another camera.