NS3503-16P-4C User Manual
Indicates the Event description
4.14.4 RMON Alarm
Configure RMON Alarm table on this page. The RMON Alarm screens in Figure 4-14-5 and Figure
4-14-6 appear.
Figure 4-14-5: RMON Alarm Table Page Screenshot
The page includes the following fields:
Select Index
Select index for this drop down list to create the new index or modify the index
Indicates the index of the alarm entry
Sample Port
Select port for this drop down list
Sample Variable
Indicates the particular variable to be sampled, the possible variables are:
DropEvents: The total number of events in which packets were dropped due to
lack of resources.
Octets: The number of received and transmitted (good and bad) bytes.
Includes FCS, but excludes framing bits.
Pkts: The total number of frames (bad, broadcast and multicast) received and
BroadcastPkts: The total number of good frames received that were directed to
the broadcast address. Note that this does not include multicast packets.
MulticastPkts: The total number of good frames received that were directed to
this multicast address.
CRCAlignErrors: The number of CRC/alignment errors (FCS or alignment
UnderSizePkts: The total number of frames received that were less than 64
octets long(excluding framing bits, but including FCS octets) and were